Thursday, May 6, 2010

I did make some cards....

Gatlin and Kutter
Easton's 5th b-day

My boys before church
My youngest brother, Mace and brownie

Yes, I did make cards, however I didn't take any pics of them, I posted some of my favorite men and while they are uploading, I'll try to make a few more cards and get them posted. I just love waking up and finding out that I got to sleep 2 hours in a row...!!! Kutter had pneumonia last week or was it the weekend before, I can't even remember...but he was very sick. Thankfully he didn't end up in the hospital.... Since then I've been having a b-day party for EAston who is now 5, I can't believe it...and planning his birthday party at the boat club for this weekend. He made his invitations, so I'll add a pic of that. I have been watching my nephew Gatlin with Kutter as his mommy had to go back to work this week. I will start on Monday and work 4 days in the next two weeks and then start back full time on the 24, I can't believe it's been almost four months!!! I only got a few cards made and a few scrapbook pages done...but I did get my closets cleaned, and straightened out Kutter and EAston's closets, I didn't manage to exercise everyday like I planned but I did do some and went on walks....but that's life. In between house work, laundry, feedings, and diaper changes, my days flew by. Well I better get those cards made and pics taken before Kutter wakes up!!!! I sent the other 3 cards I made this afternoon to my mother's maybe I'll stop by and take a few pics....

A simple dmother's day card for my Mother in law
A Bday invite (made by Easton) and a baby shower thank you that is quick and easy.....

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wonderful pics of all your guys and the cards are all so cute! I especially like Easton's dinosaur b-day invite, the green on green works perfectly!
Hope you have a nice weekend! :)

My younger brother Noah and Easont

My younger brother Noah and Easont

Driving Lessons

Driving Lessons

Say Cheese!!

Say Cheese!!

My Sympathy Card

My Sympathy Card

Another unclear pic....

Another unclear pic....

My Thankyou Card

My Thankyou Card



Easton and his friend at the Zoo

Easton and his friend at the Zoo


Easton and a friend

Noah and My Dad

Noah and My Dad

Easton's big catch

Easton's big catch

get well card

get well card

boho background card

boho background card

birthday card

birthday card