Friday, December 12, 2008


I finished another scrapbook and made a card for my mother in law Cindy who just had a 3rd back surgery, keep her in your prayers. I wanted something bright and colorful and I TRIED THE SEWING went ok, but I need some work. I also used some buttons from my great grandmother NELLY's trunk I found in her basement!!!!! It turned out great!!!! I pick out a few of my favorite scrapbook pages to post, some for the pictures and some for the design, if you have any questions leave me a comment.....thanks for stopping by!!! I'm off to Cindy at the hospital, hopes she likes the card it says, You are Wanted, inside "so get better", I'm sure she'll like it :)


Ashley Newell said...

What sweet cards and layouts!

Heather Schlatter said...

Great Scrapbook pages Em! I love the Divided family one!!! I am glad it is Easton in the K-State clothes!!!!

Love the sewing one of you or Tasha has to teach me how to sew with my machine!!!

Love the Pink Card totally awesome!!


Tasha Hickert said...

I enjoyed looking at all your cards and pages. That sewing is cool. Somehow, looking at all you're getting done is not inspiring me it's giving me stress!! Hope you had a good weekend. Not sure where mine went? :)

My younger brother Noah and Easont

My younger brother Noah and Easont

Driving Lessons

Driving Lessons

Say Cheese!!

Say Cheese!!

My Sympathy Card

My Sympathy Card

Another unclear pic....

Another unclear pic....

My Thankyou Card

My Thankyou Card



Easton and his friend at the Zoo

Easton and his friend at the Zoo


Easton and a friend

Noah and My Dad

Noah and My Dad

Easton's big catch

Easton's big catch

get well card

get well card

boho background card

boho background card

birthday card

birthday card